Monday, October 19, 2009


Have you ever stopped and really thought about controlling your attitude? Or even that you CAN control your attitude? Let me explain...

So many times i find myself going about my day, its beautiful outside, i got a text from my boyfriend telling me to have a great day, a call from my sister saying she misses me, and a loving cat that followed me around all morning just waiting to be pet, and a good, satisfied attitude to go along with it. Life is good and I've never felt better. But all in a matter of three seconds, just enough time for me to spill HOT coffee on myself in my car, the ENTIRE day's attitude is changed. Now i have a burn mark in my lap, I'm late to work because i had to stop and wipe up the spill, i arrive at work with stained clothes, and I'm snapping at co-workers out of embarrassment and didn't even realize it.

Now not only is my day ruined but my sour attitude has affected everyone else around me like an infectious bite of venom. Now, I have one of two choices; apologize for my attitude and make it right ending the day with no hurt feelings and a satisfied feeling, or continue in my rage of "MY day just sucked so yours should to!"

I sat and thought to myself for a moment, creation, life, family, friends, God, co-workers, it's all just simply too awesome to let it all pass me by with a sour attitude. I am determined to fix my mess and make the rest of the day a good one for everyone around me. So, i decided to say my apologies and instead of being embarrassed about my stain, i began making jokes about my clumsiness, making it a better day for others by allowing them to laugh and tell their stories, similar to mine, ending the day in a refreshing feeling of knowing everyone messes up some times or does something stupid, so lets just make the best out of it.

With all of that said, I want to leave you with one quote, "Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?" I personally hope i can continue to learn how to make mine worth catching.